mon | rus
Oyirad-mongol (Oyirad of Republic of Kalmykia RF, Oyirad of Altay Republic RF, Oyirad of Xinjiang China 1, Oyirad of Xinjiang China 2, Oyirad of IMAR China).
Buryad-mongol (Buryad-mongol of RF 1, Buryad-mongol of RF 2, Buryad-mongol of IMAR China Shenehen Buryad).
Mongol of South Mongolia (IMAR) (1, 2, 3, Oyirad of IMAR, Buryad-mongol of IMAR).
Splinters of empire.
Documents in Mongol language from Dunhuang cave.
Гениийн газарын зурагууд | Genetic maps | Генетические карты.
Historical maps: Premongol period.
Historical maps: Empire period (1, 2, 3).
Historical maps: Postempire period.
Historical maps: Mogol (Mughal) state.
Historical maps: Oyirad-mongol; Buryad-mongol.
Historical maps: Manjou Go state.
Map: Ethnolinguistic groups of Afghanistan.
Map: Political map of Pakistan.
Maps: Ethnolinguistic groups of China.
Maps: Mongolia (ethnic groups, history, citys, administrative division).
Map: Oyirad-mongol territoryes in Russian Federation; China; Oyirad dialects.
Map: Buryad-mongol territoryes in Russian Federation; Mongolia; China.
Maps from book: Khoyt S.K. Kereit (Kereid) in ethnogenesis of peoples of Euroasia: historyography of problem. Elista: Izd-vo Kalm. un-ta, 2008.
Maps from book: Baskhaev A.N. Mongols XIII c. (Time of the great victories). Elista: APP "Jangar", 2005.
Maps from book: Pheoktistov A.L. Russians, Kazakhs and Altai. Moscow: Izd-vo "Alfa & Omega", 1992.
Maps from book: Цюрюмов А.В. Калмыцкое ханство в составе России: проблемы политических взаимоотношений. - Элиста: ЗАОр "НПП "Джангар", 2007.
Maps from book: Bembeev V.Sh., Shovunov K.P., Erdniev U.E., Burchinova L.S. History of Kalmykia from antient times till ХХ century. Elista: Kalmizdat, 1987.
Photos from book: Oka Gorodovikov. Memoirs, researches, documents. 2nd edition. Compiler Stavitskiy I.V. Elista, Kalmizdat, 1976.
Shots from TV serial "Chingis-haan" 2002.
Shots from Film "Hara moriton" (Black horsmans) 2003.
Shots of Elista and its south-eastern outskirts. 2005-07.
Shots of skirmish of Semenov Mingiyan with turkish sportsman (category 42 kg). 11-14 july 2005. The European wrestling championship, Cadets. Tirana/Albania.