Explanation concerning the texts in modern Mongolian languages.
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Modern Mongolian tongues (Halha, Buryat, Kalmyk) in written form exist basically by the cyrillics. The modern Kalmyk alphabet adopted in 1924 and updated in 1939 consists of 39 characters. 66 padding letters from them mean notes missing in Russian.

The Kalmyk cyrillic alphabet

:a - in modern Halha langyage is transmitted as "ай" or "эй" - сайн (good), аймаг (aimag), хэрэгтэй (necessary)
:o - in modern Halha langyage is transmitted as, in the Internet as "є", "ö" or "ø" - єєлд, ööлд, øøлд (olet, ööld)
:у - in modern Halha langyage is transmitted as, in the Internet as "v", "γ", "ÿ", "ї" or "Y" - тvvх, тγγх, тÿÿх, тїїх, тYYх (history); vг, γг, ÿг, їг, Yг (word)
:г - in modern Halha langyage is transmitted as "г" - гар (hand), гахай (pig)
:ж - in modern Halha langyage is transmitted as "ж" - жаргал (happiness, life)
:н - "нг" in modern Halha langyage is not transmitted - жонон (jinong), зайсан (zaisang)

There are special Kalmyk fonts for mapping padding signs in text editors, however completely problem of their mapping (especially in the Internet) is not resolved. Whether as it is not known to me probably to write these signs in HTML a code, in the texts located on a site, the signs will be transmitted as follows:

For economies of time and efforts long vowel will be meant not as ":а:а" or ":о:о", and as ":аа" or ":оо".
As show the practice, in the texts on Kalmyk for want of fonts sometimes ":а" is transmitted as "я", ":о" as "ё", ":у" as "ю", ":г" as "h", ":ж" as "дж".
As to the texts in Halha-Mongolian langyage, in some cases, on a site, is interquartile, it will be possible to meet ":о" and ":у", in the overwhelming majority of remaining cases 2 padding signs will be written by the generally accepted way - "є", "ö" (or "ø") and "v", "γ", "ÿ", "ї" (or "Y"). As it is supposed, that the texts will go on a site from miscellaneous sources, and to result them in a unified denominator for me no neither time nor desire, the readers can meet all set forth above versions of writing. It is supposed by default that the Mongolian texts will be on Halha langyage. In case of Kalmyk version the mark "калм.", Buryat - "бур." will be put.


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